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This week we pray for Daniel & Sandi McDougall who minister to international students at UVic, leading them to discover Jesus through the Word of God, and preparing them to serve God wherever He leads them.

Here is an update from Daniel:


  • I continue to enjoy a warm and collegial relationship with staff, faculty, and administration folks at UVic - "a safe ear." I regard this special role at UVic as a gift of God's grace.
  • Sandi has really 'stepped up' in a leadership role in our ministry and it's been delightful to watch her blossom among students and UVic leaders.
  • MANY students (as well as visiting scholars/researchers) are showing a remarkable hunger for learning about the rescuing Jesus, especially how a relationship with him can transform their perspective on all aspects of their lives.


  • Please pray for me and my continuing struggle with quite-fatiguing vertigo. 
  • Please pray for international folks who come to UVic and Camosun from war-torn places like Ukraine, Sudan, and Palestine - studying 'virtually from afar' while coping with the ongoing stresses of their home situations.
  • Please pray that we would be wise in our use of technology and especially that we would foster 'personal guardedness' online about other folks' sensitive information.