The Christian life is not something we do alone.  We all need a band of companions along the way.  

Here at Lambrick, we want to be intentional about building community around the pursuit of life with God.  Over the years, we have made a big deal of gathering beyond Sunday in smaller huddles - homegroups, small groups, discipleship groups, etc.  The title doesn't matter; seeking and following Jesus in community is what matters.  

So, how do you want to lean into this at Lambrick?  

Here and there, groups come together organically - as friends simply reach out to one another and make something happen (i.e. inviting someone else or a few others to meet up regularly to study scripture, pray for one another and encourage one another in the journey). They also happen at key moments through a leadership initiative (a new teaching series that might be a great rallying point, etc).  Typically, this happens in the fall (and maybe winter).  Some groups always have an empty seat - so its worth asking.  As much as we might expect it, community isn't something that can be programmed - so we lean into this with patience, courage, humility and prayer.  

If you are hungry to enter into this with others and need some help, drop us a note (below) and we'll see what we can do to help you make a connection.

Also, join us for the next "Newcomer's Huddle" (a 30 minute post-service meet up).  It's a chance to meet some of our pastors and talk abit together about what's going on among us.

Are you Interested in Starting a Discipleship Group?

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