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Today we pray for one of our international missions partners - International Justice Missions (IJM) and their program in South Asia to combat human trafficking and forced labor slavery. They rescue victims, partner with agencies to bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and work to strengthen justice systems.  Here are some praise items and prayer requests from them. 

  • IJM supported a workshop on combatting human trafficking for police officers and NGO partner staff. This was the first training conducted for police officers on human trafficking in this particular state district. IJM provided sessions on new trends in human trafficking, elements of forced labour legislation and procedure, and the importance of trauma-informed care. Praise God for continued opportunities to partner with local police and NGOs.

  • IJM has identified state districts for potential rescue operations in cases of forced labour. An important element of cases is the willingness of victims to testify – pray for our team as they provide victim support to build cases.  Pray also for strong and effective collaboration with our implementing partners.

  • IJM’s work to fight human trafficking in South Asia is expanding to other countries. As we establish work in a new location, pray for registration procedures and staffing of the new office. Pray also for our team as they build new relationships with local authorities and partners.