Today we pray for our Missionary Sue Priestley who is transitioning from over 40 years of faithful full time service with Operation Mobilization (OM). During that time she has served in many different positions, in many different countries, but has always been motivated by a desire to see people get to know Jesus.
This note from Sue recalls her transitions of the last year and shares her prayer requests for this next transition.
"My time with God has been a help as I have gone through various transitions in the past 18 months or so. From changing roles in OM, experiencing COVID restrictions and working from home (like many of you), moving back to my home city after 40 years and being remote from all my colleagues, losing my Dad just 4 days after getting back to Victoria – I can say it has been a challenge. Such a roller coaster of emotions, all very normal for a time of transition and there is more to come as I am aware of my own lack of capacity for ministry I have loved. So, with God’s prompting, effective 31 March 2021, I will finish all my OM responsibilities.