If you are interested in becoming a member Lambrick, you can start the process here, first by reading the documents below about Lambrick and the "What and Why" of membership, and then by filling out the Exploring Membership form linked below.
Why do we even talk about membership at Lambrick?
Because, biblically, church isn’t something that we go to once a week. It is something that we are together. At its’ core, the church is a covenant community. The community of those whom God has called together and called out – in a common commitment to Christ, to a shared pursuit (vision, mission, values), and to one another. At Lambrick, membership is about making and living this commitment – for the sake of others.
Although we do use the language of membership, our vision of this is more about joining a family and the shared responsibilities this brings, than a Costco-membership concept (which for a small fee brings rights, privileges and being a part of the ‘in’ crowd).
In truth, church membership means sharing the responsibility, playing your part, and working together for the benefit of all. That’s what the Lambrick needs and what we believe God wants.
If this is what you are after, then we'd invite you to explore the "What, Why and How" of membership with us, and to tell us a little more about yourself through the "Exploring Membership" form below. Get this in to us and we'll be in touch to continue the conversation. (Please fill out a form for each person who is considering membership.)