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We are excited to announce our four new staff members joining the team for the summer! 

To get to know our new team members, we have put together a few questions for them to answer. 

They will all be serving at church on Sunday morning and they would love to meet you! 

Meet Shalaya!

Worship and Tech Intern

I am a Uvic student, as well as a piano teacher here in Victoria. I just moved here from the lower mainland in September and have been attending Lambrick since then.

I started attending Lambrick since I moved to the island in September. I have been getting involved with Young Adults and Sunday worship this year and have really enjoyed it so far!


When the job I had originally  lined up for the summer fell through, I heard about the internship and thought it would be a great fit. It was a real answer to prayer that I get to work and serve in the church this summer!

Meet Sophie!

Kids Ministry Intern

Hey! My name is Sophie and I’m a second year Psychology major at UVic. (If you're nerdy like me, I'm also minoring in Applied Psychology and Leadership) When I’m not immersed in textbooks, I serve with University Christian Ministries on campus. This past year, I served as a Community Group Leader, but I’m stepping into the Community Group Leader Mentor position for next year! I’m excited to start walking alongside our new Community Group Leaders and supporting them.  If you’re ever on an adventure to find me, you’d have success in either finding me planning a Bible study, grabbing coffee with a friend, or downstairs at Lambrick on a Sunday morning working on my lack of art skills with the kids (while also talking about Jesus and how cool He is!)  

I’ve been coming to Lambrick for about a year and a half. I knew a few people that attended Lambrick, from previously serving in camp ministry at Imadene for a summer. It was the first church I tried when I moved back to Victoria to attend UVic, and I immediately felt at home.  I got involved with Kids Church this past September, and have had the opportunity to hang out with the grade 4’s and 5’s! As much as I’ve been teaching and supporting them through their walks with Christ over the last 9 months, they’ve truly taught me so much more than they may know. I’ve loved getting to be surrounded by their childlike faith on Sunday mornings and seeing them grow in their love for Jesus. They constantly encourage and push me in my own personal walk with Christ. (some of them have more Biblical knowledge than I do!) 

I applied for the internship, because I wanted to get involved with Lambrick beyond just a Sunday morning. I’ve been serving within Kids Church since September and have hands-on experience with this specific ministry at Lambrick. I’m eager to help implement a more diverse program for the children and find new ways for every child to learn about God’s Word and His deep love for each of them. I’m also excited to learn how to preach the kids' sermons. I’ve been acting on a calling from the Lord to learn how to speak and couldn’t be more excited to talk to these kids about Jesus and how cool He is! I’ve also loved serving under the direction of Kenzie. Little does she know, but I’ve deeply looked up to her and her love for Christ for months. Having the opportunity to spend 9 weeks being mentored and poured into by her, seemed like such a beautiful experience that I didn’t want to miss out on! I’m so excited to join the Lambrick staff team for the summer and give back to the church that has pushed and helped me grow in my faith.

Meet Natalya!

Youth Program Intern

Hi! I’m Natalya! I love ministry, spending time with my community and friends, exploring new beaches and cafes, painting (especially pictures of fish, lately), throwing parties, youth leading, studying, listening to music, and geese.  I grew up in Alberta and moved to the island 3 years ago, and excited to keep growing my roots here!

Early last year, a family here at the church hosted me and connected me with Lambrick; since then, I’ve been blessed to call Lambrick my home church too! I’ve been serving as a Grade 9 High School Youth Leader and drumming on the worship team, which have been great experiences, and I’m so looking forward to serve in a new and special way as an intern this summer!


I mean, talk about such a great opportunity to grow-in and learn servant-leadership skills in a church-ministry context! I am pursuing my BA in Theology this fall and hope to one day be a youth pastor, so the opportunity to dip my toes in the water and get experience that is so so relevant to that job one day is such a blessing and cool opportunity! I am so excited to be brought into the whole process (from helping curate youth curriculum to organizing storage closets!) and help serve alongside the Lambrick staff team.

Meet Tré!

Youth Program Intern

I was born in England but raised in Florida and Canada, SO obviously my family and I love to travel. I am a second year Sociology student at UVIC but I am hoping to move to New Zealand in January to pursue a Bachelor of Theology. I love spending time with friends and being in Community. I also really like doing crafts.

I have been attending Lambrick since September and I have been a Youth Leader at Lambrick youth since then.


I applied for the internship because I love youth and I love ministry! I have always felt called to serve and while usually it's in a Bible Camp setting God really moved me to making it more consistent. I am a super relational person and I love seeing how the Youth grow and feel confident in their faith throughout the year.

I am looking forward to getting an inside peak in how Lambrick Church best ministers to the youth of Victoria as well as getting to continue to build relationships with the existing (and new) students through connections and summer events!