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This week we pray for Jenn Taylor, our missionary to Iquique, Chile -  telling people about Jesus and working with Florece - a prenatal & family counselling centre.
Here's the latest update from Jenn:
My teammates Pedro and Stephanie have left on furlough, leaving just me and one other missionary family here. We are grateful for national ministry partners but are  feeling the load of three of us trying to do the work of five! Please pray for wisdom, discernment, creativity, and the ability to recognize when we need to pull back or do less because we just can’t do it all! 
Florece ministry is thriving! We have had over 60 new clients this year so far and 4 babies born just last week! Please pray for our team of volunteers (we are all struggling with winter sicknesses) and for our clients. 
I have moved into a new apartment that is smaller than the last but is just down the road from my teammates and I’m settling in nicely. I'm praising the Lord for answered prayer and a long-term rental solution!