ways to get involved

Prayer Partner

We are always in need of prayer. If you have a few minutes to spare each week, we'd love to send you a list of prayer requests. This is one of the simplest - and most impactful -ways you can partner with our ministry. All we ask is that you commit to regularly praying over our students, their parents, and our youth leaders.

Apex Teacher

If you're someone who loves to expound God's Word, and have a passion to help students fall in love with studying and reading it, then consider serving as a teacher for Apex on Sundays. It's a great opporunity to serve our middle school students and also get the experience of studying the Word for yourself! You don't need to be an "expert" - all we ask is that you love God's Word and youth.

Youth Leader

Do you want to make an impact in the faith of our teens? Then consider serving as a youth leader where you have the honor of walking alongside students - teaching, encouraging, and challenging them to follow Jesus in all aspects of their life. There are also plenty of opportunities to grow yourself, such as teaching, leading small groups, and helping to run games and events. The best part is you get to join and grow with a team of like-minded individuals.

Click here to let us know you're interested!

Contact Youth Pastor

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