One of our goals as a ministry is to help encourage and equip parents to disciple their teens.

We understand that as a parent, you may feel at a loss on how to do that. That's why we've compiled a list of helpful resources. We also want you to know you are not alone. We have a team of parents and leaders who would love to connect, buy you a coffee, and walk alongside you!


> Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms - Justin Whitmel Earley

You become your habits. Your kids become you. Thus habits of the household are one of the most important aspects of a family's spiritual formation. Discover simple habits and easy-to-implement daily rhythms that will help you find meaning beyond the chaos of family life as you create a home where kids and teens alike practice how to love God and each other.

> Your Teenager is Not Crazy: Understanding Your Teen's Brain Can Make You a Better Parent - Dr. Jeramy Clark & Jerusha Clark

Organized by what we hear teens say--things like I'm bored, You just don't understand, Why are you freaking out?, I hate my life!, or Hold on . . . I just have to send this--this book helps parents develop compassion for their teens and discernment in parenting them as their brains are progressively remodeled. Rather than seeing the teen years as a time to simply hold on for dear life, Dr. Jeramy and Jerusha Clark show that they can be an amazing season of cultivating creativity, self-awareness, and passion for the things that really matter.

> Talking to Kids About Gender Identity: A Roadmap for Christian Compassion, Civility, and Conviction - Dr. Mark Yarhouse

As gender identity, transgender experiences, and emerging gender identities continue to be normalized and celebrated, many parents are left struggling with what to think about these issues--let alone how to talk to their children about them. The leading Christian expert on LGBTQ+ concerns, Dr. Mark Yarhouse has spent years counseling and teaching on these issues. In this biblical, practical guide, he offers parents wisdom and answers to their biggest questions about gender.

helpful links

> Axis

Axis exists to connect parents, teens and Jesus in a disconnected world. We give parents and mentors hope by being your guide through culture into a conversation around Jesus.

> Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding is a nonprofit organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers. Look through their website for more resources, blogs and seminars.

> Lifeteams Lifesheets

Lifeteams is a branch of Youth Unlimited that draws on over 40 experienced youth workers who are building relationships with marginalized youth through a variety of cutting-edge youth programs around the Vancouver area. Their website includes helpful resources that keep you informed and equipped to have conversations around tough topics such as depression, eating disorders, self-harm, stress and many more.

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